Teenagers Untangled has been picked by The Times UK as one of the top podcasts for parents

Sammy Wright

Sammy Wright Profile Photo

Author and Head of School at Southmoor Academy

Sammy Wright is Head of School at a large secondary in Sunderland. He sat on the government's Social Mobility Commission from 2018-21, becoming a key voice in the debates over exam grades during the pandemic. He has taught for twenty years at schools in Oxfordshire, London and the North East. His debut novel Fit won the Northern Book Prize.

Aug. 28, 2024

102 Grades. Our obsession with them fails everyone. An interview with Exam Nation author Sammy Wright

Send us a text What is school for, and are exam grades a good measure of a human? Does someone's grades tell us what we should know, or are we being misled? Do grades help children grow and engage with learning, or do they si...
Guest: Sammy Wright