Teenagers Untangled has been picked by The Times UK as one of the top podcasts for parents

Season 1

July 6, 2022

18: Lying teenagers, and teens who complain that they've got it harder than their siblings.

Send us a text Have you ever caught your teenager lying to you? Let's face it, lying is part of everyday life. In fact an entire film was made on the premise of a lawyer incapable of telling a lie for 24 hours. The result is...

Listen to the Episode

June 23, 2022

17: Favourite parent; and how to respond when teenagers want to ‘express’ themselves? Blue hair? Tattoos anyone?

Send us a text Do you have a teen at home who's all sweet and loving with one parent, but treats the other like they're a bad smell? Karen says she feels like running away because she's walking on eggshells in her own house, ...

Listen to the Episode