Welcome to your weekly audio hug where no question is a bad question, and curiosity beats judgment—every time.

No one has this parenting thing mastered—even parents or experts who seem like they do. Making mistakes isn’t failing, it’s learning. And good parenting? It’s a lifelong journey.

Each week you join our community in thinking about a challenge. What do the experts say, and is their advice realistic in the heat of the moment? Susie brings her wealth of expertise in mindfulness, and her own experiences, to discuss the realities of parenting.

At the heart of it all, our kids just want to be loved for who they are, not just what they do.  

💌 Do you have a question, a story, or just need to vent? Drop me a line at teenagersuntangled@gmail.com (total privacy, no judgment, promise).

What the Independent Podcasting Awards Said:

🗣️ “The advice in this podcast is universally helpful—not just for parents of teenagers.”

🎙️ “A great mix of personal stories and professional insight—refreshing, informative, and packed with extra resources.”

😂 “The chemistry between Rachel and Susie is fantastic. It’s like sitting down with smart, funny friends who actually get it.”


Join the conversation! Find me on Facebook & Instagram.
Want more from Susie? Check out her courses at www.amindful-life.co.uk

For more discussion and tips, you can find us on all social media.




Find courses with Susie at https://www.amindful-life.co.uk/