Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.

You have managed to completely change my mindset.

I love listening to your podcasts on my way home from work. You have managed to completely change my mindset from dreading the teenage years ahead of me, to actually seeing them as something to embrace and enjoy. I no longer jump into defensive or protective mode every time a problem arises but take a step back and try to encourage my teens (13 year old girl and 15 year old boy) to solve their own problems. This has already completely transformed my relationship with them and ultimately is really having a positive impact on them and their maturity and transformation into becoming amazing adults.

Thankyou so much 😊

Jan. 6, 2025 by Clare via email on This Website

Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.