Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.

Thank you

Thank you to you both. At last I've found someone/something to listen to, relate to and be reassured by. Parenting my 12 and 14 year olds is wonderful but also has its difficulties and I'm left feeling drained and confused as to whether I'm actually doing it all ok for them? I thought the episodes regarding screen time and grooming were spot on and informative.
I'm actually going to get them both to listen to them with me when we do a longer car journey so they can hear first hand why I put in place restrictions myself. They often make me feel like l'm over the top and too over protective. You have reassured me I'm doing ok. Thank you girls from a very grateful mummy who is also learning on the job and winging it every day! © XX

July 5, 2024 by H8LDE on Audible on Other

Parenting teenagers, untangled: The award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.